
A Concert

One of my first community cultural events took place tonight at the park right next to my neighborhood. I had been walking around the park earlier today and saw that something was being prepared at the buddhist temple on the top of the hill. I heard the music start around 6. They had a Native American band come and play and the picture right here was the intermission- a Korean Choir. It was a beautiful day, and to end it with an outdoor concert in the cool evening at a temple with some good music just made my week. I only wish the people would have started dancing. There are those terrible moments when its not quite appropriate to start dancing but the music just calls to you, and you think can't anyone else hear that? They didn't or at least didn't show it. Oh well.


Anonymous said...

hehe. you just wanna learn new dance moves so you can beat me at kate's dance contest at her wedding. just kidding. :)

Anonymous said...

Dance contest eh? sounds like a good idea to me. Moll, Luke and I are going to have a chopstick contest if you would like to join us on that one also. By the way Luke, yesterday I picked up a car w/ my chopsticks

Jessica said...

If I was there, we could have brought the dancing out in them all. the whole room would be dancing... sometimes you just need one more person to get it all started.

i hope youre at least dancing somewhere...