Yesterday was test day for April. Fridays are always wonderful. I have two breaks in the afternoon and on test day all I do is give a test. Its a nice change of pace after a week of consistent teaching. That and only working till 6 lets me feel a bit more relaxed. After class yesterday I went out with two other teachers to play some soccer. It is always a great thing to get out and do something active after teaching all week. We played at a local middle school where there is a dirt field with some goals and basketball hoops. Some Korean pastors joined us midway through our time. They were still in their suits, but they had no qualms letting us take some shots on them in goal. It was a lot of fun. I made the best shot I have ever taken...a left footed drop shot that hit up in the left top corner. Had to share that moment of glory with all of you.

Here is a picture of my most...excentric student, Andy. I have told stories of him before. All said and done he is a fun kid. He has a way about him of always seeming aloof. He is usually aware of things going on around him, he just sees it in an interesting light. All the kids here like to look at the teacher's arms because we have hair on them. Andy always grabs my arm when he can to feel the hair. He also takes a liking to my neck and could be seen to be choking me but he really just exploring. Here he is on our field trip last friday with his rally cap. I love it. More pictures to come.
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