

Funny things are bound to happen when you work with kids all day. One of my favorite moments thusfar took place yesterday. Well I walked into my 3 o'clock class just like any other day only to my confusion this day three little nine year old middle fingers were raised to my entry. I knew as I stepped further into to class that more than the immediate appearance was to be understood. That was apparent in the girls smiling faces. It was my to great relief and laughter to find that they were showing me their new fingernail decorations. Strange that they didn't show their whole hand but for some reason only a few fingers were decorated and the middle was the obvious star of the show. Kids. I've found a weakness in my moody kindergartener, Sarah...Knock knock jokes. And so it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

knock knock jokes? oh heavens. just please, don't teach them any bike jokes, or any chuck jokes for that matter. yeah. well i have to go, so don't do anything dumb. you.