No I didn't forget. Would this face forget? ...almost...but my morning kids reminded me when they informed me that it was a new month. So to my parents I would like to say Happy Anniversary. Thirty years can seem like a long time...but its really only 10,950 days. Which if you're travelling at the speed of light can seem like only a few minutes. Perhaps you haven't been travelling at the speed of light, but you can appreciate the metaphor. My leg would also like to wish you a better day than it's had. Anniversaries bring a lot of hope...I believe that thirty years from now my leg will be healed. Essential traditions during anniversaries I know are kisses. And I believe that they should be shared with the children that can thank the anniversary for their existence. Because I happen to be away I would ask that you pass my kisses to my dear sister Abigail. Nothing would please her more I know than to receive kisses in my stead. Enjoy your day.
And by "old" in that picture I mean blessed, wise, and crowned with grey locks.
HAHAHAHA. yeah. what a face. that looks more like a "it's not my mess" kinda face. 10,950 days? light speed? ok uncle james. yeah and i was the one that told you they were having their 30 wedding anniversary. remember? you thought it was 29. good one holmes. oh and kisses are for boys and ab. i am not in on that one either. you're such a dork.
hi brother! how did you cut your leg?
I know I'm not one of your siters but I will take the liberty to comment anyway. That is not the face that forgets it is the face that says "I'm telling you about my leg wound while avoiding telling you about my leg wound"
Soccer on a dirt and rock court...isn't it a cool scar. Havent had one in a while.
I have always told you that soccer is a violent sport!!! Same leg as your knee skar?????
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