I will hope to get some pictures up from the beach next week. It should be rather nice. But for now I need to get going to class.
So my Arabic is improving, but I need more time out with people to practice speaking. I'm looking to move into an apartment, but presently I'm changing teachers at my Arabic school and waiting to see how that goes. Its been nice to live in a hostel, but I will soon like to be in a more set routine.
Tomorrow I have a four hour class from 8 to 12 with some teachers at my Arabic school, to help pay for the classes. This will be our third class. It's good because they are all very motivated.
Cairo life goes. It's nice. Not too fast not too slow. Thats it for now.
From about a week ago...Joy and I climbed Jirisan for our Lunar New Year vacation. Its beauty was accentuated by the lack of any real traffic on the trails, which Korean parks are infamous for. Holiday hiking is the way to go. I'm also quite excited that my hip has ceased to cause pain to speak of. I wasn't sure, but I took a shorter hike the previous weekend, and have been feeling fine. Great news. Now I can start thinking more about backflips.
Anyway, two more weeks. My kids are ready for graduation, like I've never seen any class ready. We're good. It's going to be sad these last days, but I'm going to do my best to be mindful of the present moment, throughout. Hope everyone is well.
Korean Octopus
I hope you like this video taken from our octopus meal last week. I will have more pictures up and also video from the DMZ hopefully soon. But you can find some new pictures on a link here http://picasaweb.google.com/lukebauer36
I just found I could do this and so I hope you can enjoy the pictures. More to come as time allows. The Octopus was not especially delicious nor grotesque, merely ill textured.
Seoul 2008
As I said I was in Seoul with Joy and Matt for the first weekend of this break. Got a new camera for a decent price. And am now sharing the fruits of its first use. It looks like all i did was go to historic sites but the first few days were spent eating, walking and playing. We got reservations for a show called Nanta, which was awesome. A modern mix of traditional drumming, dance, and theater. (To any who might visit Seoul check it out.) We were mixed up on the show's time, so we waited it out in an arcade where we played games and sang a Cher song in a tiny karaoke booth. (Also highly recommended.) Of great pleasure early in the trip were shawarmas at a Turkish shawarma stand, also all you can eat curry at an Indian restaurant.
Still nursing a chronic injury, I have been limited in what I can do this break. I can rest and relax while finishing the last Harry Potter and begin organizing for my departure from Korea, less than two months away. It snowed the last two days, so I am debating whether to go out for a short hike or not. It could give me more pain in my hip, but how could I miss my last chance to be out in snow covered Korean mountains? Anyway I'm enjoying the time off and the snow. Though it has been dreadfully cold as of late. Hope you are all well.
So I just got a new camera in Seoul. With it I can take videos such as this. It is vacation now and I spent the first few days in Seoul, eating shawarma, taking in a show and just walking around. This shrine was beautiful and cold. Luckily I came prepared. Hope you enjoy. More pictures to come.