

So I'm learning more and more about my job. I had been wasting a bit of time in class because I wasn't exactly sure what I was supposed to be doing. After I was thrown into my afternoon classes, I was basically concerned with getting through the scheduled things they put before me, and I wasn't so much focused on adding much commentary(teaching). Now Im feeling a little more loose to teach and explain rather than just run through the schedule. So things are getting better.

This week we got a good bit of snow, its basically all melted now, but it was snowing all day on Monday and Tuesday, fairly hard. I got to watch the Super Bowl with the other teachers on Monday night. It was on at 8 in the morning before I went to work but one of the teachers taped it so we had a party that night. I must say...the Steelers? Come on now.

Ill be getting a cell phone today. My friend is selling me his so that I will be able to be in touch with people. I don't have a phone at the apartment so if I ever need to call anyone I have to go down 15 floors outside to a pay phone, and no one can ever reach me. So Its a pay as you go deal and doesn't sound too expensive. Right now its a necessity. And if anyone is dying to talk to me you can probably reach me there for an unknown fee.

Right now Im downtown with my friend Kyle, we tried to go to an orphanage for the second time, but the people we were going to meet didn't show up. I guess we should email them next time. Ill be opening a bank account next week so I can have my paycheck sent there. Payday was yesterday, but unfortunately I didn't have an account set up . Banks are closed on the weekends and the hours are such that the only time I can go is during my lunch or afternoon break.

I would just like to say congratulations to Egypt for winning the African Cup yesterday. Unfortunatly they have not shown any of the Cup here. They only show English, Korean, or French League and World Cup reruns from 2002...Soccer for those unaware. To win in Cairo...ah I wish I could have been celebrating on the streets last night!

Not too much new. Its just a constant process of learning my job and getting to know the kids. Thanks to all who have sent mail I love it. I miss you all very much.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

soccer. haha... even I knew that... lukelukeluke... i want to see some pictures on this blog of yours..