
Kyol Che

For those unaware I just had a week vacation, which I chose to spend in the mountains at a Buddhist temple. I arrived last Saturday and caught a train back to Gwangju yesterday afternoon. The temple was at the end of a seasonal retreat called Kyol Che. The community was English speaking with two American Zen Masters. The monks and nuns were also a mix of nationalities from Malaysia, Russia, Israel, Czech Republic, Korea... Along with this set community were lay people who were spending three months/one month/ a week, like myself, in the temple.

It was a week. It wasn't good, wasn't bad...it just was. I wasn't so concerned with the vow of silence...that I could do. But eight hours sitting in meditation seemed like a daunting task after only the first day. Waking up at three in the morning sounded even less appealing. However, over the course of the week I began to focus my energies on the ever elusive everday mind. (That is to live moment to moment, entertaining no thoughts of what you have to do later or what mistakes/glorious actions you have made in the past./ The lack of thought...only being.) With this mind or search of it, time did not exist...eight hours became not too short, not too long. The beauty of the week was essential being. When I was hungry I ate...thirsty, I drank...when it was time to sit I only sat. When it was time to weed or pick corn, only that. I have always been attracted to the philosophy of Buddhist/Eastern traditions. The practice was only more to put my mind at ease and bring me back to this moment.

I could tell you many things that I learned but I'm sure it wouldn't translate. Some of you may have already left me at the word "Buddhist". No worries. I will try to live this moment and only that.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

you made it! i thought you would end up going to the retreat.. i'd be interested in hearing more about it at kate's wedding... so hope you are well and everything.. by the way, i passed through korea a couple days ago and went over to incheon. two jehovah's witnesses approached me on a bench which led to eating good food at the local market.