I wanted to show some pictures from last weekend's kimchee festival. There was some good kimchee. It was a festive time. Thanksgiving came and went with no turkey. But I have no complaints because I made some delicious rice and kimchee. Some women with the Church of God came over, and I must say I have difficulty turning away anyone who wants to talk. I've learned a bit about the last plagues and how I can escape them. They were nice ladies. And they have put a face to one religious group I can't agree with but now know as individuals. I'm working on my debating nature and trying to listen better to, how shall I say-- "difficult" messages. It has been fruitful for me at least. I can't speak for them, but I know I'm not yet a successful convert. On another topic, I did get to talk with some other teachers about time and space; which some may know I enjoy discussing. So that was a highlight last night.