
So many of you should know that I have decided to stay another year in Korea. It was a difficult decision to make, but I have decided that it is what I would like to do. A big part of reasoning is no doubt to continue to pay down my college debt. I have also enjoyed the past year, and can't think of too many reasons to look for a new workplace while I enjoy what I'm doing. Another year should help me improve a lot as a teacher. And I am looking forward to the experience of working with some different ages and levels. I wasn't planning on having to make a decision this early, but I suppose its easier now to have it made.

I have been sick the past week. I think it is a lack of comfortable chairs. Not the immediate cause, but I can't rest and recover comfortably without being in bed, which who wants to do when you just feel half-sick. Maybe one of the biggest frusterations with Korea is the lack of good chairs. I think if it weren't for sitting on the floor in class, my back would be in a twisted knot. It does hurt a bit.

Novels have returned to my primary reading. I have gotten into some good books by VS Naipaul and Chaim Potok. It's reason for celebration. A renewal in reading vigor. I also believe I am getting more into studying Korean now that I will be here a bit longer. Did some studying today, I remember a good bit of what I studied before, I just never use it. So I need to get into situations where my language is useful...usually not the case, the books I study are a bit impractical. So I'm sick, I need to get to bed, but I guess it's good to put up some words after a month or so. Ill try to be more frequent. Sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anyangasao... something like that. Props to you.. stayin another year. Hope the travels back went well. It was good to see you in PA.

J Ness