It snowed today and thus the pictures. It's almost Christmas. Which means this week Ill be dressing up as Santa Claus to deliver some presents to kids from the school. It should be fun. I'm not sure if Ill get pictures of that or not. But it should produce a good story. I just got a chair along with my bookshelve I've told some of you about. I wanted to show a picture here. The ugly picture is my street, but I was impressed by the size of the snowflakes. It will be a different Christmas. One thing I do miss from home are the lights. Theres not much in the way of Christmas lights in the city. So I'm going to a city in the south for Christmas weekend. But Ill be home for Christmas. The teachers will have a dinner together. Ill miss home. Mom's cookies will bring me closer. I hope you all have a good week, Christmas and New Years. I only have Christmas off, but then I have the next week off, so I plan to get up north to the DMZ and some mountains along the border. Enjoy the holidays.