So I have a month left in Egypt. I will flying into JFK on the 9th of July. I will happy to escape the heat, the crowds, the noise. Yet, will also be sad to leave many people. Yesterday we had a party at the school I've been teaching at for refugees. I've been able to spend a good amount of time with a number of students and other friends from the school and greatly appreciate the time I've been able to spend with them. It is always a learning experience to be with people from such different circumstances than yourself. And I always find I receive more than I could ever give. Above pictured with me are a few of the guys I've been able to spend a good bit of time getting to know. Most of the people I've worked with are coming from Darfur, but I've also met many people from a range of areas and circumstances. Spending time with them in class, at the church, and in the local Sudanese coffeeshop and restaurants, I've come to a greater appreciation of the struggles refugees face in a foreign country. Surely everyone knows of the problems in Africa. It's something different to meet the actual faces living the lives of refugees.
So outside that experience Arabic has been coming along. Less quickly than I would like, but I have reached a higher level of proficiency which allows me to converse more frequently and with greater confidence. The coming week I will finish my classes, both teaching and studying and do some traveling with friends. I'm very much looking forward to coming home. So see you all soon. Probably before I get up many more pictures. There are more at the album linked to this page.