
Finally Sitting Still

Ok, so now that I have some time, I am at an internet cafe. Please feel free to email. I do have time to send some replies, its just very hard for me to start new correspondence, especially doing most of my emailing from work.

So Korea is interesting. I am able to stay inside a foreigner bubble. Its really hard to practice any Korean out on the street. Its just not like Egypt where people are running up to you from left and right. And being in the school all day Im expected to focus on English, obviously.

I have had some time to get to know my fellow teachers. They're pretty cool people. 6 other guys and one girl. A few teachers will leave in a month or so and well get some more, maybe well have 10 in all then.

I like waking up at 8 for work every day. Its nice to sleep in a bit but not too late. My roomate and I walk to school- maybe a ten minute walk. Every day we walk by Dunkin Donuts and Im always tempted to go for a Chocolate Glazed. I haven't yet. We start class at 10 after doing some prep for class or working on our lesson plans for next week. Im learning all that fast. I get my kids from a room upstairs and do my best to help them walk slowly and quietly. Everyday the two girls in my class, Angelina and Christine, show me their missing teeth and the new loose ones. Angelina has lost one of her bottom teeth and has two more loose ones. Christine has lost her two bottom middle teeth and has 3 more loose. Every day that is the first thing I see. All morning I try to keep Alex, a hyperactive 5 yr old, quiet and still. Only a few threats phase him. I have an hour lunch break from 1230-130. The teachers always eat out at local restaurants. Cheese Ramien and Pibimbap are my favorite thusfar. In the afternoons we have art, or games, or science. Science is the best. Then after 230- two days a week I tutor a 5 yr old named Lenny. He has a hard time with f,v,th, and l/r sounds. The first day I just tried to get him to speak. But today he livened up a bit. Its crazy because kids are worked hard here. They come to our school, then they go study Chinese, they take piano lessons, math, etc. They pack it in early. So its kind of hard to want to be strict with kids who are tired or restless.

When I don't tutor Lenny I write word explanations for flash cards were making. They don't have an afternoon class for me yet, so I fill in with that and other miscellaneous prep work.

I go home at 7:30 sometimes 6 and then I make dinner, watch CNN, soccer matches, other interesting Korean TV. Ill read a book, sit with my dog-Gus and drink tea. Thats a regular day thusfar. Today I decided to come to this cafe. My first time in one, its not so much for internet, but games. Im hearing a lot of gun shots right now...my favorite.

Hopefully this is giving you all something to read. Its nice to be able to write for more than 5-10 minutes. Hopefully your all doing well. Thanks for reading. Peace.

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